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Five Ways to Get Your Sew-Jo Back!

Five Ways to Get Your Sew-Jo Back!
It's that time of year again where many of us are struggling to get back into the swing of things. The new year always seems like a fresh start, and for creatives, that often means getting back into our favourite hobbies. If you're struggling to get back into sewing, don't worry - we've got you covered! In this blog post, we will share five ways that you can jumpstart your creative process and get motivated to sew again. Let's get started!

1.Tidy Your Creating Space
The first way to get back into sewing is to tidy your space. When our sewing area is cluttered and chaotic, it can be difficult to find the motivation to start a new project. But when everything is in its place and we have a clean work surface, it's much easier to jump into creating. So take some time this week to clear off your sewing table and put away any fabric that is taking up space. Once your area is clean and organised, you'll be surprised at how much more motivated you are to start sewing!

2. Organise a Sew-a-Long With Friends
Another great way to get back into the sewing spirit is to organise to sew with friends. There's nothing like some good company to jumpstart your creativity! Round up some of your sewing buddies and set a date to meet up for an afternoon of sewing. It can be in person or online - utilise Zoom or Facebook Rooms! Not only will you have fun, but you'll also get a lot done!

3. Try Something New
If you're feeling stuck in a creative rut, the best thing to do is learn a new skill or try something for the first time. This could be a new fabric base, attaching a zipper, trying a new make. There are so many amazing tutorials out there on the internet, and by learning a new skill, you'll open up a whole new world of possibilities for your sewing projects. So take some time this week to watch a few tutorials and start practicing that new skill. You'll be surprised at how quickly you pick it up!

4. Find Inspiration
Another great way to get inspired is to look for inspiration. When we're feeling uninspired, it's often because we're not exposing ourselves to new ideas. So take some time to browse through your favourite sewing blogs, Facebook groups and Instagram accounts. Follow some new sewists and see what they're up to. You might be surprised at the amazing things people are making!

5. Do a Quick Sew
Finally, if you're struggling to get started on a new project, try doing a quick sew. Sometimes all we need is a little push to get us going, and that's where a speedy sewing project comes in handy. Choose a simple make that can be completed in an hour or less, and then get started! You'll be surprised at how productive you can be when you're working on a shorter project.

We hope these tips help you get back into the sewing groove! We can't wait to see all the amazing things you make this year. Happy sewing, Creatives! 

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Oh wow. You have amazing taste!!